I realised that Sunday (the day before yesterday) was the first day I didn't cry. I think that only happened because I was entertained the whole day, had a workshop from 10 to 5, then dinner with work colleagues. Came home after 22.30 so there wasn't much alone time.
However that didn't last long since yesterday I was with him, we talked, and now all of those harsh and heartbreaking and I-don't-see-the-end-of-the-tunnel feelings are coming back again.
Also yesterday was the day that GOT premiered. I've said here before that all couples have their little things, the things that are shared between the two, movies, series, places, breakfasts, bands, songs, brunches, specific details that belong to the relationship. Well we started watching GOT when we started dating, it was our top series to watch together and even when we were living a long distance relationship we watched it more or less at the same time so we could then talk about the amazing and unexpected things that happened. It was our thing. Now I have no one to share it with. The emptiness is heartbreaking.
It's been a long, hard and empty month. I hope I can have more days where I don't cry.
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